Monday, 11 June 2007

Cai summer fun

Cai also loves being out in the yard and has learned how to pick dandilions and watch the fluff blow off

Saturday, 9 June 2007

Summer is here

Sure signs that summer is finally here :

The lilacs are in full bloom

with the bees buzzing around in them gathering pollen

and the Canadian Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio canadensis) butterflies visiting for nectar

Saturday, 2 June 2007

Johanna's high school graduation

On the evening of Friday June 1 we celebrated Johanna's grade 12 graduation at a dinner and convocation ceremony in Edmonton. About 340 students graduated so along with family and friends there were about 2,500 peole at the event. Quite amazing.
Above Johanna and Bronwen ready to head out to the event.

Cai was also in on the festivities with his own baby tuxedo.
He looked so dapper - as if he was off to the Oscars !

Cai and Johanna (above) and Cai waiting for the soup to arrive !
(He certainly stole the show and became quite a "celebrity")

A family photo after the ceremonies