Saturday, 20 June 2009

Book Launch

This evening we attended the launch of a short story anthology that Bronwen contributed to in the Stony Plain community. The book, titled "How I Shot My Brother" (one of the stories in the book) is published by Prairie Dog Publishing. For more details see -

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Pancake Breakfast #3

Breakfast # 3 was in Holden, Alberta today (about 100km South East of Edmonton) during their annual parade day, this year celebrating the centenary of the town. Not very good value at $ 5.00 for pancakes and sausage (see below) with lukewarm coffee !

The lunch served at the fire hall later was incredible value - $ 2.00 for a burger, potato salad, pop AND dessert !

Monday, 1 June 2009

Pancake Breakfast # 2

Breakfast # 2 was at Matco Transportation in Edmonton where Gordon works. This was in celebration of the opening of their new facility. Excellent value as it was free and in addition to pancakes it included bacon and scrambled eggs !