Monday, 26 March 2007

Lusaka and Livingstone

Harley, Logan and I left the farm at 5:30 am and had a good trip into Lusaka. They caught a bus to Livingstone in the South West of Zambia to be tourists for a couple of days at the home of Victoria Falls. I went off to find the laboratory to deliver the water samples, which turned out to be a failure. Despite having a letter from the Ministry of Health in Kapiri to authorize the tests the lab director refused to accept them because I was delivering them and not the ministry officials ! She stated that if I wanted the tests done then I would have to pay the fees myself. Apart from the fees being exorbitant I had no cash with me and it would have taken a couple of hours to get to the bank and then back again. Very frustrating as we were needing the test results in order to move forward with the pumps that have been donated to SPF for the community - I had no choice but to abandon the process. My bad mood cleared over lunch with Jennifer Moumane. She worked with KidZCan in Zimbabwe and we had met her there in 2005. Her husband was transferred to Zambia in mid-2006 with the Catholic Relief Commission and she is currently on a contract with the Children's AIDS Fund out of Washington, DC organizing their Zambian operation. She has a soft spot for SPF so was keen to hear how things are going for us and is interested in helping as much as possible in Zambia as the project moves forward. Much later in the afternoon Tony arrived on a flight from Zimbabwe and we drove back to the farm for a late supper.

Harley and Logan saw the Victoria Falls from ground level and from the air :

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