Sunday 11 March 2007

Kabwe Church and Community Walk

We were up early and went into Kabwe for the church service at Grace Church. Dan had asked me to give a testimony as part of the service which I did and which went over well. (It was about our background, the Foundation and why I was standing in front of the congregation that day.) After I had spoken Carl and Dan came forward an prayed for me.

After church we were invited for coffee at the Moyer's and we were able to fellowship with several other people that had been at the service. Amongst them were an older farming couple - Pete and Brenda - also originally from Zimbabwe. Turns out that her two brothers were at high school with me. We gave another fellow, Glen, a missionary from South Africa, a lift home on our way out of Kabwe so had a chance to see their operation - a school and skills training centre. Later in the afternoon, back at the farm, we all went for a walk on the bush path from the farm to the school and back again - the route that the kids from the farm village take to get to school every day. Harley has a GPS device with him so is able to track distances - we walked about 7km.

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